At Courthouse Green Primary School, we value art and design as a vital part of our ambitious curriculum, it is underpinned by our curriculum intent of Talk, Feel, Question and Reflect. Through our art curriculum, we want to foster creativity, ignite inspiration, develop individual interests and create the future artists of our society.
Our children are taught art in a way which ensures a clear progression of skills whilst following a sequence that builds on previous learning based around the Access Art scheme. Our children gain experience and skills of a wide range of elements of art in a way that enhances their learning opportunities, enabling them to use their art and design to be creative and solve problems, ensuring they make progress within the subject. Through our art lessons, we want children to be engaged, inspired and challenged, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.
In Art at Courthouse Green, children have opportunities to develop skills in a variety of mediums. They learn about a diverse range of artists to not only explore and record their own ideas, but develop their knowledge of a range of artists, designers and craft makers from the great artists of the past to the contemporary, including local artists. Children are taught a variety of skills and mediums and are given the opportunity to learn about art across the world and how it has impacted history and our culture today. At Courthouse Green, children have a rich creative curriculum and use art vocabulary to enable them to communicate what they see, feel, and think through the use of colour, texture, form and pattern.
Art skills, techniques and vocabulary are embedded throughout each art project and these skills are built upon each year as talk underpins our curriculum. Our key curriculum drivers of talk, feel, question and reflect are woven into each lesson.
Click on the links below for Courthouse Green’s art curriculum:
EYFS Courthouse Green Progress Model for Expressive Arts and Design.
Courthouse Green Art Curriculum Access Art
Access Art progression of skills