Courthouse Green Primary School

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Triumph MAT

School Uniform

We believe that by wearing our school uniform all of our children feel part of our school and we are grateful to our parents for supporting us by ensuring that their children are sent to school each day wearing it.

Please click HERE to see our School Uniform policy.

Our uniform consists of:
Red sweat shirt, cardigan or fleece (preferably with school logo) 
White polo shirt
Grey or black trousers (or shorts weather permitting) 
Grey skirt or pinafore  
Summer dresses - Red gingham 
Grey or red tights 
Grey or white socks 
Black school shoes (low heels) - not trainers
Children wearing hijabs should wear a red, grey or black one

PE Kit 
Plain black shorts/joggers/leggings
Plain coloured T shirt (red) 

School jumper or hoodie 
Pumps or trainers 
NO commercial football kits in school for PE lessons

Sensible hairstyles should be worn for school - no" fashion statements" such as coloured hair, lines in hair or styles such as Mohican.

Jewellery maybe worn for religious reasons, if earrings are worn they must be small studs.

Please make sure that all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child's name. We collect a huge amount of lost property and are unable to return items to the children unless they are named.

Our supplier of school sweatshirts with logo is:

Cat Ballou
1-3 the Burges
Telephone number: 02476 555499

Please click here to enter Cat Ballou's website where you can order uniform on-line or ask questions about prices.

Although we prefer children to have a sweatshirt with logo, you can also purchase red sweat shirts or cardigans without logo from local supermarkets.


The school does not accept any liability for any loss, theft of damage to property or possessions brought to school in contravention of school rules regarding such property.  The school does not accept any liability or responsibility for items of clothing/uniform that are torn or otherwise damaged except where the school can be shown to be negligent in providing an environment where such items can remain undamaged other than that expected by normal wear and tear. The school is not liable to replace lost items of school uniform.